A Night in New Orleans

Last night I found myself in a flat in the French Quarter of New Orleans. There’s a porch, by the road, and I sat out and played ukulele until 2:30 in the morning.

Exceedingly drunk men in three-piece suits would come stumbling by, and they would ask me to play for them. It was wonderful.

It’s been a long time since I’ve spent a night in a city. It’s so alive.

This morning I got up and went for a bit of a walk around. The French Quarter is fascinating; it’s a tourism-based economy, which is something I have very little experience with. There were buskers and bars and gift shops; people with cameras strung around their necks. I saw some truly spectacular sun burns, as people would dash towards businesses to get away from a morning rain shower.

It’s so warm here. I love it.

One thought on “A Night in New Orleans

  1. this morning
    a bit of a walk
    around the French Quarter

    buskers and bars and gift shops
    people with cameras
    strung around their necks

    sunburns dashing
    to get away
    from a morning rain shower


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