A Change in the Wind

Today marks several different Major Life Events for me.

I have found an apartment in Melbourne. I have two days left in the beautiful country of New Zealand. This part of my Vision Quest is coming to a close. I’m going to move away from being a traveller for a little while and tie myself to an address once again. I’ve been travelling for about a year now, shifting from floors to couches to beds as I make my way through the world.

For the first time in my life, I will have my own door. I have lived in the house of my parents, where I had a room, but it was very much their house. I have lived in dorms, with a masking tape line down the centre of the room, pretending it could contain the mess of turbulent and ill-advised foray into University. I have lived in a Ten-Pound Castle, on the Isla De Muerta – a bastion of safety that could be found by none who did not already know the way. It was a haven when I needed it, but also a corridor and a haven for the people I loved. The house would creek as my landlady made use of the stairway down to the garage. I could feel the vibrations when she would use the garage door opener and pull out into the driveway.

I have moved from a borrowed space, to a castle; I have travelled now, to the far side of the world, and I have found a nest.

It is small, and it is mine, and from there, I will see how far I can fly.

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