Two Years

This city is driving me mad.

I cannot go anywhere.

Perhaps I am only in the wrong part of the city, but it hardly matters if there are better parts of the city if I cannot get to them.

I overheard a conversation this weekend, and everyone generally agreed that one should live somewhere for two years before deciding if they like it.



How does it take two years? Why would you ever stay somewhere for TWO YEARS if it wasn’t good?

I don’t understand.

Two years is a long time.

I said this a lot when my friends were all at university and miserable. Because, there were all of these adults spouting bullshit like “You’ll look back on it, and two years will feel like nothing. And…no? Two years is a LONG TIME. Just..*YEARS*.

I’ve been in this city for barely over a fortnight, and I *cannot live here long term.

What kind of place requires *two years* of getting to know?

3 thoughts on “Two Years

    • AAAH! NO! WHY?

      Why would you do that to me?

      I thought of that video the other night as I was going to bed and then I ended up having to stay awake for like, another two hours.



      • (For those of you who don’t know, we’re talking about the music video for “I Say Fever” by Ramona Falls, which is really good and also…really creepy.)


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